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Kivu International School aims to offer academic opportunities and to support students who do not have sufficient means of subsistence to cover their school fees but have the will to study and demonstrate positives values, as well as exemplary and outstanding academic results.


Every year, KIS offers dozens of scholarships to help contribute to the establishment of a better Congo, and to ensure better principles of equity.


Indeed, KIS offers the same number of scholarships to girls and boys between the ages of 6 and 18 years. 

How to apply for a scholarship? 

Attention : 

Before applying, kindly check that you meet the majority of the following eligibility criteria: 

You are part of the top three (3) of your class in your current school
You entirely subscribe to and comply with the values and philosophy of KIS
You agree to take an admission test
Your parents have a combined monthly income that is lower than $500
You are an artist or an athlete with an exceptional talent (not compulsory)
You are determined to be a member of KIS


Fill in the application form 

Download the form


Send us a copy of:

I. Your academic results of the last two academic years,

II. Proof of parental consent,

III. A letter of recommendation from a teacher of your school, as well as,

IV. A letter from someone who inspires you. 


After the file has been examined, and if you meet the requirements, you will be invited for an academic aptitude test. 


If you pass the test, you will be invited for an interview with the educational committee. 


If you successfully meet all the above requirements, you will receive a scholarship to attend KIS for one academic year. 

- Offer a year-long scholarship for a young Congolese student?


- Scholarship Program Policies, Rules and Regulations


- Fill out the application to receive a scholarship 


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Tammie & Joe Bielitzky & Bettinger      Vincent Bribosia     Famille Eric de Lamotte      Manuela & Miguel del Marmol    

 Caroline & Dominique Eeman      Enfant Heureux (fondation)          Rica & Henri Jados       Yvette Zinga Kasuku      Simone Kloss 

Philippe le Hodey      Martine Lhoist      Sophie & Bernard Meeus      Véronique & François Mairlot       Kate Maher     Lea Musekamp 

Guy Muya    Latina & Gentiny Ngobila     Claudine & Pierre Ndayambaje Proesmans      Charlotte & André Querton      

Resurrexit (Fondation)       Mariana & Mwanza Singoma       Valérie Todenhoefer      Anne & Michel Vandenkerckhove 

Isabelle & François van den Bosch        Pierre Bacquelaine

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Avenue de Kyeshero,GOMA
République Démocratique du Congo
Téléphone: (+243) 0993 830 004 

Autorisation et Agrément National: MINEPSP/CABMIN/0064/ 2017 du 10/03/2017 

Arrêté provincial n°01/013 CAB/GP-NK /2017 du 11/02/2017 

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