For the primary and secondary education levels, wearing the school uniform is mandatory every day, except for Wednesday where students are allowed to wear clothes of their choice, as long as they respect the proper dress code mentioned in the rules of procedures of KIS. The school uniform for students in primary school consists of a navy blue shirt and a sky-blue skirt for girls, a navy blue dress shorts and a sky-blue shirt for boys.
For students in secondary school, the school uniform stays the same for girls, however, for boys, dress pants will substitute the dress shorts.
School uniform will be provided by KIS, who will ensure to supply top quality fabrics with precise and suitable cuts. Kindly note that school uniforms will be charged as indicated in the below paragraphs. An embroidered KIS logo will be sown on the pocket of each shirt. KIS will use the professional services offered by KISANY to manufacture its school uniforms.
Kindergarten students will not wear school uniforms, but will wear a chargeable apron provided by the school.
Formulaire d'inscription 2017 ICI >
5 reasons why school uniforms are mandatory:

A school uniform strengthens team spirit and solidarity between students. Making school uniforms mandatory creates and builds a sense of belonging to a group that shares an identity and the same values.

It also allows students to learn about proper dress codes and ultimately offer each student a general preparation for a professional career.

This measure helps parents each year by keeping clothing costs to a minimum and encourages children not to be concerned about the latest fashion trends but rather to give more attention to their studies.

The implementation of a uniform at KIS falls within the school project, as one of KIS’s objectives is to have a real impact on the local and regional economy and to contribute to improving the life of the people of Goma and North-Kivu.

Our uniforms are made of fabrics and high quality materials that meet international standards.
You can always buy additional clothes all year round by contacting the administration team.
Please see our price list below.
Shirt – Primary level
Dress short – Primary level
Skirt – Primary level
Shirt – Secondary level
Dress pants – Secondary level
Skirt – Secondary level
Pair of socks
Short pair and a sports jersey – Primary level
Short pair and a sports jersey – Secondary level
Rain jacket and Sweater – Primary level)
Rain jacket and Sweater – Secondary level)
Apron – Kindergarten
School bag
Unit price
USD 21
USD 21
USD 21
USD 21
USD 26
USD 26
USD 26
USD 50
USD 50
USD 70
USD 21
USD 38