Infrastructure and location
The school grounds are located in the capital, Goma, in the northeastern province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The campus covers about one hector in the district of Keshero, on the beautiful shores of Lake Kivu. The school offers recreation areas, cultural spaces and a educational classrooms and offices for the staff and students.
School infrastructure:
21 classrooms
An auditorium (135-person capacity)
A dance/theater studio
Library with over 8000 books
An exhibit hall
A covered gymnasium with gum floor and stadium seating for up to 1,000 people
A miniature astro-turf soccer field
A medical office
Male and female locker rooms
Weight Room
Teachers work room
Teachers lounge
Management and administrative offices
The school has been designed with specific play areas for children in pre-school, separated from the primary and secondary students.
The construction meets resistance standards in the event of seismic shock, due to climactic conditions.
School Management Structure
The founding members of KIS are Bismack Biyombo, Vanessa Jados and Dario Merlo. With the support of a board of directors and educational advisors, the founders have developed the main strategic development, the school budget and the recruitment of school executives. The board of the school meets three times a year.
The school is run on a daily basis by the head of school, and assisted by an administrative and financial team.
KIS understands the importance of parental involvement in the life of a school. A Parent Teacher Association will be established in September 2017 to ensure proper communication amongst parents and teachers as well as organize special school events. This parent’s committee will meet regularly with management and at the general assembly held annually at the end of April.

Les Membres Fondateurs
de KIS
Vanessa Jados,
Bismack Biyombo et
Dario Merlo.

Qualified teachers are recruited from around the world based upon their skills, experience, and values. The best local Congolese teachers are also recruited from all over the country to offer a quality education that meets the requirements of the best international schools.
Class sizes, Number of Students and Equipment
Class sizes will vary depending on grade level and subject area. Standard class dimensions are 7m x 8m; laboratory classes and research based classes will be a bit larger at 7m x 11.5m; and there will also be specialist classrooms which are 4m x 7m.
The maximum number of students per class is 18 in the pre-school, 24 in primary school, and 32 in secondary school.
School Hours
Wednesdays school ends at 12:30 pm for all students.
Each day a 20-minute morning break is programmed, with an hour lunch break and a 10-minute afternoon break.
Parents will be offered to purchase a meal plan from the school cafeteria, but students will also be permitted to bring a sack lunch from home as well.
Administrative offices and management staff will be available from 7:45 am to 4:30 pm.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Each year, students will have opportunities to explore the wonders of the region. Visits to farms, observatories, and surrounding national parks (Virunga, Akugera, Kahuzi Biega) and several other excursions will be organized by the teaching body in collaboration with the parents committee.
Several activities will also be organized on a daily basis during lunch break and after school hours. Extra-curricular activities can be paid for and will take place between Monday and Friday at the school grounds. Some activities can also be organized on weekends and to meet personal needs, dependent on personnel, equipment and infrastructure availability.
Among the proposed activities are:
The activities offered will be based on student interest and involvement, the expertise available and the staff availability.
The library is open daily from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm.
Students can read and borrow books with the consent of their parents. The library can also be used to complete school assignments, do research and to finish group work.
Tutoring and homework assistance are available by request from parents outside of school hours. They are provided by teachers and are separately paid for by parents.
No students are permitted to leave the school at lunch break.
KIS regularly organizes conferences with successful professionals in different business sectors. These conferences are offered to students and parents to encourage future thinking, goal setting, and to open minds to the wonderful possibilities provided to students with a great education.
Individual and Class Photos
Every year the schools photographer will take a picture of each child as well as full class photos.
These photos can be purchased and printed by parents.
Buses and School Transportation
Students will be transported to and from school by bus. KIS has two 55-seat school buses, which are equipped with individual seats with seat belts. Speed-demons will ensure buses do not surpass 40 km/h and each driver is subjected to a blood alcohol test before entering the bus. Drivers are subject to rigorous testing and will be assisted by a bus controller.
Bus collection points will be determined in consultation with the parents committee.
Security and Insurance
- In the event of any emergency health problem, a school nurse will be permanently present on the school grounds in the health center.
The health center is equipped with all necessary materials for first aid.
- An emergency evacuation plan is in order and posted on the premises of the school.
Exercises of the emergency plan are planned throughout the year.
- In regards to the lake front, the school will be protected by a double barrier system which can only be opened by security and educational staff.
- KIS subscribes to school insurance for each child.
- KIS ensures that all school spaces are designed and secured to limit the risks of accidents.
Uniforms are required for all primary and secondary students between Monday and Friday.
Wednesdays will be free-dress days, where students will be permitted to wear what they chose, but will also be regulated by a dress-code to ensure appropriateness.
In secondary school the girls uniform will remain the same, but for the boys, navy blue pants will replace the shorts.
The uniform is paid for and is supplied by KIS, which ensures to supply first quality fabrics with precision tailoring.
An embroidered KIS logo is sewn on the shirt pocket.
All KIS uniforms will by provided by local organization KISANY.
In pre-school, children will not be required to wear uniforms, but will wear aprons provided by the school.